Ferry Marine Capital specializes in wholesale sales.

We will select the best offer according to your request, organize purchase of goods (Europe, China, Russia and other countries), we will involve our partners in transportation and delivery.

We have direct exclusive contracts with many European manufacturers, which significantly reduces the cost goods, and also minimizes the risk in the organization of the transaction.

The product category is constantly expanding.

Today we specialize in the following product categories:

  • technical equipment, as well as the installation organization equipment and subsequent maintenance;
  • furniture;
  • interior items;
  • clothes and shoes.

For more information and request, please contact us.

Warehouse software

Design and development of individual software for warehouse management, or ready-made software for rent.

Online tracking

We offer to select and manage the installation and configuration the best solution specifically for your company!

Online tender system

Development of an individual online program for conducting transport bidding or rent out a turnkey solution.